How to Avoid Common Bathtub Reglazing Issues?
Bathtub reglazing is one of the delicate procedures that require the superior attention of the service provider. Even if you work precisely, indemnities can still happen due to various external conditions, derisory materials/ chemicals, and wrong techniques. If you’re about to take bathtub or tray Reglazing services, here is everything you need to know about it.
Common Bathtub Reglazing Issues
1. Rough Texture
Rough texture mostly happens when the tub’s surface is not sanded or cleaned properly.
2. Fading
Fading happens when the texture of the coating is too thin.
3. Cracking
Cracking happens when the coating fails to keep the air and water out.
4. Delamination
This problem occurs when the topcoat doesn’t bond with the surface that makes it less adhesive.
How to avoid Damage during bathtub reglazing NJ?
1. Prepare the area appropriately
The process of reglazing comprises harsh chemicals which is why it is essential to cover the bathroom with plastic sheets and guard it with adhesive tape.
2. Clean the old finish
Before you start with bathtub reglazing, you need to strip away the old finish. Sanded down the tub that ensures a smooth surface.
3. Repair imperfections
Another step to repair chips and cracks. The experienced bathtub reglazing NJ service provider will address it properly.
4. Prime, Reglaze and coat properly
This is one of the essential steps that should be carried out by the experts. The procedure of prime, reglaze and coat will take two to four days and the bathroom shouldn’t be used until the surface is fully prepared.
If you’re looking for experienced and authentic bathtub and tray Reglazing service providers, browse https://www.abathreglazing.com/ and book your service.